Whether you are a longtime home fermenter looking to step up your home fermentation game, or a newcomer to the fermented food scene, The SAUERKROCK™ water sealed fermentation crock is the perfect piece of home fermentation equipment for you!
The SAUERKROCK™ fermentation crock by Humble House is a high-quality traditional German fermentation crock, oftentimes called a “pickling crock” or a “sauerkraut crock” after two of the most popular fermented foods.
Each Sauerkrock “Original” fermenting crock has a 5L capacity, perfect for a small family of 2-4 people while the 2L Sauerkrock “City” is perfect for 1-2 people who need more kitchen real estate or simply don’t wish to make as much food. Have more mouths to feed or just can’t get enough of that fermented goodness? Then the Sauerkrock “Family” with its 10L capacity is right for you!
Both include two heavy, full-coverage crock weights sized for the crock that will keep fermented foods submerged in the brine throughout the fermentation process. The fermentation crocks features a water seal to prevent the fermented foods from being contaminated during the fermentation process.
The fermentation pot is finished with a food safe glaze that promotes flavor integrity and makes cleanup a breeze. The Sauerkrock “Family”™, the Sauerkrock “Original”™and the Sauerkrock “City”™ by Humble House are perfect for making probiotic-rich fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, sour pickles, and more!
Fermenting crocks are used to ferment foods and crock fermenting or “crock pickling” is a highly effective method for making them.
There are thousands of fermentation crock recipes out there and we offer a few basic ones here for beginners including a dill pickle crock recipe (nothing beats dill pickles in a crock!) and a homemade sauerkraut recipe in a crock. Sauerkrocks also make EXCELLENT crocks for sauerkraut as well as for kimchi fermentation since that is what they were originally created for in Europe and Asia!
Fermented crock foods are generally better than those made in fermentation jars. There are many reasons for this which we highlight in this article on the topic, but the punch line in this – if you think you will be fermenting foods with any frequency, use a fermenting crock as opposed to using fermentation jars for a ferment container.
- Traditional German style fermentation crock (pickling crock, sauerkraut crock, ferment contianer, etc.)
- Includes two heavy, full-coverage fully glazed glazed ceramic crock weights
- Skillfully crafted vessel made of thick, high-quality ceramic
- Finished with a lead and cadmium-free glaze that is safe for fermented foods
- Built-in water seal keeps the fermented foods in a contamination-free environment
- Opaque walls keep out UV rays from light that are harmful to fermented foods
- 10-liter capacity is ideal size for 4+ people; 5-liter for 2-4 people; 2-liter for 1-2 people
- 10L is 11 inches in diameter and 13 inches tall; 5L is 10 x 12; 2L is 6 x 8
- Great for making fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles, sourdough, kefir, kombucha and more!
- Available exclusively on Amazon at the Humble House storefront
- 10L UPC(s): 860040000534, 860040000527; 5L UPC: 860805000304, 860805000359, 860805000366; 2L UPC: 860805000311, 860805000373, 860805000380, 860040000503
Now you can ferment your way in with beautiful color options to fit your personality or home decor. You can’t go wrong with the authentic look of the Traditional Brown but maybe a clean Natural White, a fun pop of Heirloom Red, or a deep Imperial Blue is more your style!

The SAUERKROCK™ water sealed fermenting crock, along with other home fermentation products from Humble House such as the SAUERSTOMPER™ vegetable stomper, are available for purchase exclusively on Amazon. Check out the Humble House Storefront on Amazon and order yours today – you’ll be making your own delicious, probiotic-rich fermented foods in no time!